Health Information Technology

Help shape the evolution of technology used by healthcare providers, patients, and families to ensure health information is private/secure, shared with medical professionals you choose, and accessible by YOU.


Easy access to your health records puts you in control of decisions regarding your health and well-being. You can monitor your health conditions better, understand and stay on track with treatment plans, and find and fix errors in your record. The resources and videos below will help you understand your rights under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and will show you how to work with your providers to get, check, and use your health information.

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  • National

National Partnership for Women and Families

The National Partnership has identified strategic priorities for using health IT to support better health and health care for patients, families and communities, including consumer access to and use of digital health information. These priorities guide our work to advance digital health policy and technology.

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  • National

Savvy Cooperative

Organization empowering people to use their patient and caregiver experiences to improve health innovations.

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  • National